
Thursday 6 December 2012

Fitness Myth Exposed - Reps, Fat & Muscle

The Proposition: Low Repetitions Build Muscle and High Repetitions Burn Fat   

The Verdict: FALSE

This is another fitness ‘myth’ that refuses to die! Diet, NOT rep range, is the key to body recomposition. Burning fat requires the consumption of a clean and balanced hypocaloric diet which places the individual in a caloric deficit. In fact, I would argue that certain dietary modification can make a much more significant impact on fat loss than weight training alone. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the hypothesis that a high-rep training program (20 - 50 reps) produces any more of a ‘fat burning effect’ than a moderate rep range (10 - 12 reps).

BETTER way to approach fat loss is to combine adequate nutrition with high intensity strength training / cardio. In fact, my personal ‘cutting’ programs will focus on high intensity weight training, shunning cardio completely to great effect!

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