
Thursday 6 December 2012

Fatigued? Six Tips To Restore Your Adrenals

People make a range of excuses for why they don’t exercise. However, the most frequent reasons I hear are:

  1. I don’t have time
  2. I’m too tired

This tells me two things; that these individuals are under significant levels of lifestyle-induced stress and that this constant pressure is producing marked decreases in energy levels to the point of fatigue. Unfortunately, in this fast-paced 24-hour-workday world, few of us have the liberty to operate at the relaxed pace our ancestors enjoyed. However, here are some tips which could just help re-energise and restore the you of days gone by:

  • Switch It Off
We all find it difficult to live without our iPhones. Contemporary information technology allows us to stay constantly ‘connected’ to our friends, colleagues, to work and the world wide web. However, this constant connectedness can be a major source of undue stress in our lives. Following close-of-business turn your phone to silent and allow yourself the leisure of completely switching it off in the evening. This simple effort can reduce feelings of anxiety just in itself.

  • Sleep
Sleep is a crucial process that helps us to recover and restore our bodies and minds from the stresses of the day that was. If you can’t manage the recommended 8 hours a night, consider supplementing with Melatonin to increase the QUALITY of your sleep. Make a conscious investment in your sleep and after a few nights your body will be singing your praises.

  • Supplement
Try supplementing with 4,000 - 5,000mg of Vitamin C, Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) AND Licorice Root Extract to help restore overworked adrenals. Brewing a nice cup of tea made from Red Korean Ginseng will also help to stimulate and massage your adrenal glands, assisting in your quest to replenish energy stores.

  • Laugh It Out
Always remember the old adage ‘laughter is the best medicine’. Laughing releases endorphins (happy-hormones) into the blood stream and reduces stress hormones. When you’re tossing up about what movie to watch for your evening wind-down„ put down that tear-jerker and pick up a film that will have you in stitches.

  • Burn Bridges
Who do you surround yourself with to navigate the whitewater of life? Start cutting out the negative people in your life; anyone who saps your valuable happiness. Think of it as an investment in your health, rather than than the loss of a friend.

  • Cut The Crap
I almost don’t need to add that a wholesome diet, high in protein and healthy fats and containing a moderate amount of complex, unrefined carbohydrates is a vital part of energy regulation. Remove junk food as yet ANOTHER problem your body needs to work around. Take the time to pack your lunch rather than consistently turning to the vending machine.

NOTE: If you have run yourself into the ground and are in fact suffering from symptoms of adrenal fatigue, it can take anywhere from 6 months to a year to reverse the damage done. However, be patient. In the words of Lao Tzu - “the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step”.

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