
Thursday 6 December 2012

Chocolate, Diet?!?

To be honest, it’s a little worrying to see articles advocating the benefits of the ‘Chocolate Diet’ offering hope (?) to  ‘chocaholics’ instead of trying to understand WHY we crave sugar.

Those who argue FOR the Chocolate Diet point to the fact that chocolate contains polyphenols which can increase muscular performance, lean muscle mass and reduce weight without changes in calorie consumption or exercise.

The smarter ones among us argue WHY NOT DRINK A CUP OF TEA INSTEAD? White tea, green tea, black tea; they all contain polyphenols which will give you the same desirable effects as those in chocolate without the negative effects associated with loading you body with sugar on a daily basis (and believe me, there are MANY).

If in doubt remember the words of Forrest Gump -

“Life is like a box of chocolates …….. It doesn’t last as long for the obese.”

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