Today, I'd like to move briefly away from my usual delivery of research-oriented information and tell you a story about two men seeking the knowledge of a great Martial Arts Master (which happens to perfectly supplement my earlier post on perseverance).
I know you're probably rolling your eyes and getting ready to exit the web browser, but I encourage you to indulge me. I found the lesson of this tale profound, & am convinced that any reader with a dormant philosopher or spiritual inside them will do the same!
So the story goes that two young men of similar qualities, strength and ability sought out a renowned Martial Arts Master to impart upon them his knowledge. The Master took the men to an open field, sending one to the left and one to the right. He gave both men a small shovel and said to them 'the first one to find water will be rewarded will all of the knowledge which he seeks'.
The Master told them persistence was the key to unlocking their destinies. Although the two men were similar in so much, their methods for finding water differed greatly. The man on the left was aggressive and began digging with vigor and enthusiasm. The man to the right first observed the terrain. Then, he found an area which looked suitable.
By this time, the man on the right had already dug a deep hole and felt there was no water and so he moved on to dig in another area. Meanwhile, the man on the right - undeterred - started digging his hole. As the Master instructed, he stayed focused and persistent.
After three months of digging, the man on the left was starting his 21st hole, but has not found a droplet of water. This fact disheartened him greatly. The man on the right was still in the same hole, about 25 feet down. He had to construct a ladder to get to the bottom but still looked strong.
The Master said, 'young man, you have completed your first and most important lesson. All you need to do is use the same focus and determination as you did digging for the water and you will be the greatest Martial Artist in the world.'
The Master then said, 'let this be a lesson; the man who digs in one hole will find his wealth and success, the man who digs many holes will grow tired and weak and will no longer have the desire to finish his journey'.
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