
Friday 7 December 2012

The Safety of Food & Herbal Supplements - Quantified

If you’re sitting on the fence about the safety / efficacy of supplements and herbs then a new report published by the Alliance for Natural Health International (ANH-Intl) may be the tipping point you were looking for. According to the data, both food and herbal supplements are in the ‘supersafe’ category on individual risk, meaning that the likelihood of death from their consumption is less than 1 in 10 million.

Interestingly, the numbers showed that adverse reactions to pharmaceutical drugs were 62,000 times more likely to result in death than taking a food supplement, and 7,750 times more likely than herbal remedies.

The ANH-Intl makes it clear that the data includes only risk of acute death, rather than the risk of death from chronic, long-term exposure, etc. However, basically the overall pattern of risk from various activities demonstrates that food supplements are by far the safest group of substances consumed by humans.


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