
Saturday 8 December 2012

The One-Arm Snatch

As gym-goers, one of the issues we all have to contend with at some point or another is BOREDOM! Although mastery in any movement requires dedication and consistency of effort, there comes a time when progress stalls and the body seems to be asking you to throw it a curve ball. If you’re experiencing one of these plateaus, I have a three word solution: ONE-ARM SNATCH!  

Although the majority of commercial gyms frown upon Olympic lifts, the one-arm snatch is a good gym-friendly variation which will engage a range of major muscle groups and ramp up your heart rate like you wouldn’t believe.
The Technique:
The above picture demonstrates the three major stages in the one-arm snatch perfectly. Several notes on the execution of the movement include -
  • Proud Chest: When straddling the weight at the bottom of the movement, think ‘proud chest’. This will help maintain proper posture throughout the drill and minimize upper back tension.
  • The Arm: You should minimize over-pulling. The arm is there to ‘guide’ the weight up the body.
  • The Elbow: As the weight travels up the body, don’t forget to MOVE YOUR ELBOW UP AND OUT!
  • The Drop: In the last of the three pictures, the drop is simply a slight bend in the knees upon the successful completion of the maneuver. I would argue that the drop is necessary more when handling heavier loads to increase success rate.
The Benefits:
  • The one-arm snatch is a compound movement, meaning it will engage multiple muscle groups. This is useful for both developing overall strength and power, but also an effective calorie burning exercise.
  • Because this is a ‘unilateral’ movement, it allows you to fix up any imbalances that you may have between your left and right sides.
  • Olympic lifts carry over well to a broad range of sports focused on power & strength, and can thus be used to supplement your training for these.
  • It will increase your work capacity, turning you into a machine that will out perform any conventional gym-goer.

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