
Thursday 6 December 2012

Saturated Fat - Friend, Not Foe

The consumption of animal fat is bad for us and causes heart disease … Or at least this is what the misinformed masses and the powers that be would have you believe.

The reality is that the countries with the LOWEST consumption of saturated fats, have the HIGHEST rates of heart disease. Why? Because saturated fat is unnecessarily vilified as the root of all dietary evil in the world. The reality is that saturated fats are a biologically important component of the human diet. In fact, here’s just a few reasons why:

  • I feel full …
Saturated fats signal satiety, to help you stop eating and maintain a healthy weight.

  • Immunity …
They prime white blood cells to destroy invading bacteria, viruses and fungi, and to fight tumors. Also, the saturated fat acids found in REAL butter kill bacteria and candida fungus.

  • Message received …
Saturated fats act as messengers for hormone production, helping to maintain and upkeep optimal hormone levels.

  • Breathe easy …
Lung surfctant, which prevents asthma and other breathing disorder is composed entirely of saturated 16-C palmitic acid (a saturated fat). Wouldn’t it be nice to throw that puffer away?

  • Liver Health …
Although they don’t give you a licence to become an alcoholic, saturated fats DO protect the liver from alcohol and medications such as Tylenol.

  • Insane in the membrane …
Cell membranes need saturated fatty acides to function properly and to become ‘waterproof’.

Apart from these major benefits, the consumption of saturated fats also has an important biological realtionship with the heart and bones.

But … what about cholesterol?! Get ready to have your world rocked even further …


It is an essential component in every cell and repairs damage to the body’s tissues, particularly damage in arteries. What many people WONT tell you is that more than 20 studies have shown that elderly people with high blood cholesterol levels live longer than those with low blood cholesterol levels.

The REAL cause of heart disease:

Atherosclerosis heart disease is an inflammatory process that’s brought on by eating too many carbohydrates and omega-6 vegetable oils, stress and possibly bacterial infection.
Clearly, saturated fats have somehow gotten a terrible reputation despite overwhelming evidence for the contrary, and yet we’re still told to eat low fat. I say - out with the grains and in with the eggs! If carbohydrates and omega-6 vegetable oils are the true culprits then the solution should be as easy for you to see as it is for me!

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