
Saturday 8 December 2012

Nutrition Tip: Benefits of Coconut Oil

Nutrition Tip: Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise – coconut oil is an amazingly potent health food. Despite claims that saturated fats are bad for you (a myth I’ve addressed in prior articles), some tout coconut oil as the ‘healthiest of all fats’. Apart from the above benefits, coconut oil has also been found to increase the absorption of other nutrients (i.e. vitamins, minerals & amino acids), improve insulin secretion & utilization of blood glucose (making it a useful addition to the pre-diabetic dietary program), dissolve kidney stones, support thyroid function and aid immune system function. Cooking Tip: To reduce the harmful by-products produced by heating regular vegetable oils to cooking temperature, try using coconut oil, which has a much higher smoke-point. Note: Ensure that the coconut oil you buy is VIRGIN and COLD PRESSED.

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