
Saturday 8 December 2012

My Four Week Blitz: Time For Your Feedback

With my European vacation fast approaching, I decided it was time to once again pull out all the stops with a four week training program designed to put my mettle to the test! Each week consists of a minimum of 10 training sessions, followed by a rest day after which the pain begins anew. Below you’ll find what a sample week looks like for me. Note that the program stipulates that I train back twice on Monday’s … As I’m implementing this plan over four weeks, each Monday I rotate the major body part to be worked twice (i.e Wk1 – Back, Wk2 – Chest, Wk3 – Legs, Wk4 – Shoulders)


A.M – Back

P.M – Back / Hamstrings


A.M – Chest

P.M – Martial Arts Training (2 hours)


A.M – Shoulders

P.M – Core / Calves


A.M – Arms

P.M – Martial Arts Training (2 hours)


A.M – Legs (Quad Focus)


A.M – Martial Arts (2 hours)



Also note that I only train once on Friday’s. I prefer a slow ‘taper’ towards the end of the week to ensure that I’m not experiencing symptoms of overtraining such as decreased motivation the following Monday. Today, I felt like swapping things around and getting YOUR opinions on my no-holds-barred 4 week program. Do you think it’s too much (or too little)? Would you do something differently? Or maybe you have always wanted to bump up your training to two-a-days and have some questions about the practicalities of implementing them?

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