
Friday 7 December 2012

Front Squat For New Growth

Training Tip: When it comes to overall strength and body development, the back squat definitely deserves its place in training program of any committed lifter. Whether you’re chasing that Herculean body or after a sexy-curvaceous look the squat will help you get there. Unfortunately, there comes a time in every fitness enthusiasts life when they experience the dreaded ‘P’ word … p-p-p-plateau! What do we do? Take a month off squats? Lighten the load in an attempt to let our body recover? Or MIX THINGS UP?! I vote for the latter … One of the most challenging variants of the back squat is the Olympic-style front squat. Unfortunately, this is not an exercise you’ll see many ‘macho-men’ performing at your average commercial gym because, it is an exercise which (for the beginner) will mean you have to take a few plates off the bar. Fear not however, your ego will not take a long-term drubbing. It’s quite possible to bring your front squat up to the level of your back squat. But, it will require practice. By now you’re probably asking ‘why would I risk my rep for this exercise?’ Firstly, let’s take ego out of the equation and look at the facts. The front squat will help you achieve increased depth in your squats. This is especially useful for taller lifters who may find it difficult to get the same depth in their squats as their stockier training partners. Moreover, this exercise will improve your core strength, provide an incredible boost to quad development and activate your glutes. Information on the correct form / technique is difficult to convey via text. However, a number of useful videos can easily be found on YouTube that break down the process step-by-step. I will however, remind you that (when performing this movement) it is important to keep your elbows up and your core engaged. The picture above demonstrates the most commonly preferred method of executing the front squat. However, an alternative is to cross your arms against each other. For the majority of lifters, I would recommend the Olympic-style as opposed to the bodybuilding style of bar positioning purely because it is easier to keep your elbows in the appropriate position. So with all of that said - what are you waiting for? Go and try it out already!!

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