
Friday 14 December 2012

Don't Be A Sucker: Liposuction Is Not All It Promises

Nobody can argue that the desire to instantly gratify wants and needs is not deeply rooted in today’s society. We want results, and we want them NOW! The free market economy (bless it’s cotton socks), is quick to take it’s lead from the ‘consumers’ (a.k.a. you and me) and shortcuts become possible where previously only effort and patience existed. However, what seems like a good idea at the time, can often lead to unforeseen consequences down the track … A truth we’re seeing more and more as science develops its understanding of the effects of pesticides & cosmetic chemicals, GMO, etc. So it is, that what is first touted as a miracle solution to a global problem becomes fraught with complications, as the cost  of it’s use (largely to our health) begins to outweigh the benefits.

Liposuction … The Miracle Cure to Obesity:

The instant gratification of liposuction surgery has made it one of the world’s most common cosmetic procedures. Since it’s introduction in 1974, the technique has become a practical solution for shaping fat depots not amenable to lifestyle modification. Sounds like the perfect solution to a difficult to manage problem! Indeed, many people do believe that the result of liposuction are permanent. However, a number of animal studies, anecdotal reports & preliminary human data suggest otherwise!

Liposuction … What You’re REALLY Paying For:
Strong evidence now exists to suggest that adipose tissue (fat) restores itself to baseline level (the point it was at BEFORE surgery), when it is removed using liposuction. Via a physiological mechanism that is yet unknown to scientists, the bodies of those who elected to undergo surgically induced fat-loss, restored the imbalance between adipose tissue and fat-free mass! Fat reaccumulated in the abdominal region (whether it was taken from there or not), and more slowly in the hip and thigh region (the points of surgery). This process continued until, at the 1 year mark, total body fat percentage did not differ between those who underwent the procedure and the control group. What was even more worrying is that, as if in an effort to protect homeostasis, the body hid fat deposits deeper into the bodies of the liposuctioned women. This resulted in higher levels of visceral fat (between the organs), which we know are associated with heightened levels of inflammation and insulin resistance, as well as other metabolic pitfalls.

The Point of This Being …
Apart from the fact that liposuction is clearly not a miracle cure to shedding the first OR last few pounds or weight, the most important take away is that YOUR BODY IS NOT STUPID! How often do we make the mistake of believing that we’re smarter than mother nature? Whenever you’re thinking of opting for an ‘easy way out’ always remember that your body and it’s regulating systems evolved over millions of years to form a perfectly functioning mechanism. The foreign substances with which we poison ourselves, and the methods we use in our vain efforts to comply with the ‘in vogue’ body weight / shape are simply not in the body’s vocabulary. You’ve only got one body, and the warranty sucks - so make sure you take care of yourself from the get go! 

Hernandez, T. L., Kittelson, J. M., Law, C. K., Ketch, L. L., Stob, N. R., Lindstrom, R. C., Scheringer, A., Stamm, E. R., & Eckel, R. H. (2011). Fat redistribution following suction lipectomy: Defence of body fat and patterns of restoration. Obesity Journal, 19(7), 1388-1395.

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