
Thursday 6 December 2012

Caffeine: Risk & Benefit

Who doesn't love a good, strong cup of Java! Whether it be in the morning to chase away the last remnants of sleep, before the exercise to drive our performance or during a dragging work-day to help the time tick a little faster.
Benefits of Caffeine
Apart from the improvement to alertness  studies have found that drinking several cups of coffee a day appears to reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, gallstone, relieve headache pain and increase athletic endurance.
A Double-Edged Sword?
An overload of caffeine (caffeine intoxication) causes jitteriness, and affects calcium metabolism meaning if you experience insomnia or jitters, are at risk of osteoporosis, or are pregnant, you should reassess your coffee habits. Be aware that caffeine has a half-life of anywhere between 3 - 6 hours meaning that your 4pm Grande Latte will possibly still be swimming in your system when you hit the hay at 10pm.
Note: Caffeine Intoxication usually occurs with the ingestion of 300mg or more of the substance. 

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