
Friday 7 December 2012

5 Bad Habits Standing in The Way of Your Happiness

We all want to live happy, healthy and free. That being said, here are five things you can give up to more towards a happier you:

  1. The Habit of Blaming: Take ownership and responsibility for the outcomes of your actions. Blame is not a constructive action, it only moves you further away from finding the RIGHT solution.
  2. The Need to Impress: Take off your mask and embrace your individuality. Forget about what others think about you because after all - why do you REALLY care what they think?
  3. Being The Victim: While it is an unfortunate reality that, sometimes, bad things happen to good people, forevery other situation a victim mentality hampers your ability to be happy. Believe that you have control over your life and the things within it.
  4. Feeling Entitled: Stop going through life as if somebody OWES you something. You have to work for the things you want, and the harder you work the sweeter the outcome will be. All things good are - after all - about the adventure, not the destination.
  5. Pretending: Don’t pretend you are something you’re not. If you’re sensitive - don’t pretend to be macho. If you’re smart, don’t dumb yourself down. If you’re passionate about an issue - don’t act like you don’t care. By being honest and real your true personality will attract similar individuals and THOSE are the ones you WANT in your life!

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